Business Application Forms
To issue or renew a business licence for a Business Entity
Business Licence Application and Renewal (Business Entities)
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
To receive these documents, please click here
To issue or renew a business licence for a Sole Trader
Business Licence Application and Renewal (Sole Traders)
Appendix D
To receive these documents, please click here
To notify the SBA Administration of a change in business details
Change of Business Details Notification
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
To receive these documents, please click here
Coastal Region Matters
SBA seashore has been designated and mapped under SBA law. Activities and development on the seashore and land abutting the seashore are regulated under SBA policy and legislation.
Water Management
The management of water resources (surface or underground), in Cyprus, is of paramount importance. Assets relating to the supply of potable water to the UK community of the SBAs and Locally Employed Civilians, living or working within MOD sites, is the sole responsibility of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation. Any permit required under SBA law for the abstraction and/or use of water resources, existing on or under private land, in the SBAs, may be applied for at the district Water Development Department offices (by Greek-Cypriots). Turkish-Cypriots must file a relevant application with the Area Administration Officer Dhekelia, by letter.
Water (Integrated Management of Water Resources) Ordinance 2014
Using Bird-Scaring Devices for the Protection of Crops
The use of bird-scaring devices, in the SBAs, for the protection of agricultural crops, outside designated residential areas, may be allowed under a permit issued by the local Area Administration Office.
Civil Marriages
Under SBA law, the Area Administration Offices can perform, and deal with the bureaucracy required for, civil marriages, where at least one of the parties is a member of the SBA UK community (entitled person) and resides within SBA territory.
Births and Deaths (Registration and Certification)
Under SBA law, births or deaths occurring within the SBAs must be registered and/or certified at the local Area Administration Offices. A certified copy of a birth or death certificate may be issued upon evidence of registration in the relevant Area Office register, on payment of a fee.
Establishment of Businesses in the SBAs
The possibility of establishing a business in the SBAs exists, insofar as such business is deemed to be serving military or local needs. Such possibility is examined by the SBA Administration, upon the submission of a relevant Business Licence application. In cases where a new business is to be accommodated within either existing or purpose-built premises, a Business Licence application must precede any Building Permit application either for the construction of new or the change of use of existing premises. A Building Permit application may be submitted only after the approval of the relevant Business Licence application.
Sale of Intoxicating Liquors and Tobacco
This is allowed within the SBAs only under a licence issued by the local Area Administration Office.
Required Documents: A clear Criminal Record Certificate from the SBA or CY Police
Fees (Sale of Intoxicating Liquors Licence)
- Restaurants/Pubs serving intoxicating liquors inhouse: €86 p.a.
- Take-Aways (e.g. kiosks, supermarkets, kebab houses): €42 p.a.
Fees (Sale of Tobacco Licence)
- Any selling place: €52 p.a.
Extension of Closing Hours (Restaurants/Pubs)
An extension to the closing hours of restaurants or pubs situated within the SBAs is possible under a relevant permit from the local Area Administration Office.
- €0.43 per extension hour, per day.
Amplified Sound Transmission
The transmission of amplified sound, which is audible in any public place, requires written permission from the local Area Administration Office.
Setting a Controlled Fire
The setting of controlled fires, for the burning of pruned tree branches, may be allowed, outside residential areas, under permit from the local Area Administration Office, between 1st December and 15th March.
Model Aircraft and Drone Flying
Model aircraft and commercial drone flying is possible in the SBAs, under a licence/permit, issued by the local Area Administration Offices, following the approval of a relevant application.
Commercial Drone Flying (Guidance Note):
This may be allowed under a permit from the Administrator of the SBAs. Interested companies must file a relevant application, with the local Area Administration Office, supplying also the following:
- Name, address, country of registration and registration number of the applicant company.
- Copy of the Department of Civil Aviation’s permission held by the applicant company.
- Copy of the applicant company’s public liability insurance.
- Full name and home address of each drone operator.
- Copy of the Remote Piloted Aircraft Licence issued to each drone operator.
- Map of the intended flight area, annotated with edge coordinates.
- Intended date, time and maximum height of drone flight
- Type and specification of camera to be used.
- Drone-filming justification (purpose of filming).
Application – Commercial Drone Flying (Template)
Assemblies and Processions
Organised assemblies or processions may be permitted, in the SBAs, under a permit from the local Area Administration Officer. Relevant application forms are available below.
Inland Activity/Event Authorisations
Beyond the distance of 90m from the high watermark of the sea, it is possible for the SBA authorities to authorise certain commercial or social activities/events. Organisers must file a relevant application with the local Area Administration Office, at least 1 month in advance of the activity’s/event’s date, providing as much details and information as possible, to facilitate the taking of an informed decision by SBA authorities.
Application Inland Activity/Event (Template)
Assistance to Local Communities
For many years now, the SBA Administration has been aiding local communities, situated in and around the SBAs, in 2 ways:
a) By granting limited financial assistance to registered/elected community institutions, from a special fund called the Cyprus Community Relations Fund (CCRF), for the acquisition of necessary infrastructure items or the realisation of approved communal projects; and
b) By tasking visiting Royal Engineer (RE) teams, under the annual PINESTICK exercise, to provide technical assistance to approved communal projects, benefitting one or more communities, using military personnel, vehicles and other equipment, subject to:
1) Such projects having been deemed valuable training to the RE teams and duly approved, by their command; and
2) Beneficiary community(ies) undertaking the cost of materials, fuel and site-security, as well as providing any other assistance/assurance required by the RE command.
Interested community institutions may apply for such aid, by completing the appropriate application form, linked below, and forwarding it to the local Area Administration Office, for due consideration.
Application Inland Activity/Event (Template)